Aug 30, 2022
Have you ever thought you were for sure going to bomb a job interview or school presentation but then ended up getting through it with flying colors?
That was your mind playing tricks on you.
It turns out our brain is an excellent author…of fiction! This is especially true when we’re feeling anxious in a...
Aug 23, 2022
Life is full of little boxes pleading to be checked off; it all starts in school with classes to be taken, clubs to be joined, and most importantly, a degree to be earned.
As we get older and life throws more challenges at us, we realize how many things we think we need to do to meet society’s standards. In the midst...
Aug 16, 2022
Sitting with anger, anxiety or sadness may be the last thing you want to do. Because it’s uncomfortable. Because it hurts. Because you’re too tired.
Or maybe you just don’t know how.
You’re not alone. Many of us are always in our thoughts - wrapped up in our daily agenda, our work, or the people who need us -...
Aug 9, 2022
Can you recall a tradition that your family had when you were younger?
Maybe it was visiting your cousins every weekend for a Sunday lunch? Or opening a single present on Christmas eve? Whatever your childhood traditions were, they undoubtedly created a sense of belonging and contributed to your shared legacy with your...
Aug 2, 2022
When you think about working out, you probably envision going to the gym or a class. But there’s a powerful exercise that you can fit into your day – even when you feel too busy.
What is it? Walking.
It may sound too simple but walking is actually one of the most mentally and physically rewarding activities you...