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Brilliant Balance

Nov 26, 2019

Thanksgiving is meant to be a happy time - a time where family and friends come together, celebrate and reflect on the year.

But for many people, Thanksgiving can spark anxiety, stress, and even dread. 

Whether you struggle with the travel, activities, or crazy family dynamics, it can take the magic out of the holiday...

Nov 19, 2019

We all have talents, gifts, and interests beyond our day-to-day professional lives. Whether you love to perform music, coach baseball, or bake amazing cakes, they may provide an important outlet. But those can’t ever actually become your day job, right?

Today’s guest is Cathy Heller, podcast host and author of

Nov 12, 2019

Whether its a presentation for work or sharing an idea with your book club, public speaking is the number one fear among women, even though we face it on a regular basis. 

For most of us, we prepare to speak, and the nerves kick in. Sweaty palms, thumping heart, and before we know it, we are totally stumbling in our...

Nov 5, 2019

Have you ever had a day that didn’t go as expected? Maybe you thought it would be sunny and planned a day outdoors, but then it rained. Or maybe there was more traffic than you anticipated, and you were late to work. Either way, you may have ended up disappointed and frustrated based on your expectations. 

And you...