Oct 25, 2022
Have you ever heard a story about something awe-inspiring someone has done and you think: ‘It would be so amazing to do that someday’...
Then end up never doing it?
We’ve all had that experience of looking great experiences square in the eye - ones that are so intensely desirable - and telling ourselves ‘not yet’.
Why do we convince ourselves we’re not ready for any new challenge and that we don’t deserve to achieve our dreams ‘yet’?
We tend to romanticize the idea of what we want to do instead of enjoying the experience itself. It’s almost like the anticipation of having something is greater than actually having it.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
In this episode, you’ll discover how to break free from the shackles of the limiting beliefs that stop you from experiencing your dreams. We’ll dive into the reasons you should think of TODAY as your someday instead of an obscure date in the far future. You’ll learn how to take charge of your life and enjoy experiences to the fullest while doing the things you’ve always wanted to do.
Listen in…
Show Highlights Include:
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