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Brilliant Balance

Feb 22, 2022

We probably all carry a little fear around money conversations… but when it comes to asking for more, it feels easier to budget our days away (than ask for the income we deserve).

When we cut back on spending or look at downsizing, we only end up thinking smaller. And when we think smaller, we will always...

Feb 15, 2022

Financial management is not a topic everyone wants to talk about. In fact, most people go out of their way to avoid the money talk. Whether it’s a credit score that needs work or a budget that needs focus, finances aren’t always the easiest to discuss. 

But why do these conversations feel impossible to have? And...

Feb 8, 2022

A lot of us have a weird anxiety around money. We don’t like looking at our bank account, thinking about retirement or reviewing our expenses. 

But being afraid of finances costs you—and not just financially. 

In this episode, you’ll discover how to defeat financial fear and be more confident around money to have...

Feb 1, 2022

There are times in life when everything feels out of balance. You struggle through the basics and find every moment stressful. When you’re off your game, everything feels kind of impossible!

At those times, it’s important to remember there are three legs holding up the stool of life. And when one is a little wiggly,...