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Brilliant Balance

Dec 28, 2021

In last week’s episode, we took a whirlwind tour of the Enneagram and its nine types. You may have even found out where you fit into the Enneagram model (and what drives your behavior).

But the gateway to deeper connection is in communicating with all types of the Enneagram. And you can break them up into...

Dec 21, 2021

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche. It reveals what we do to feel loved and what motivates our behavior. The Enneagram uses numbers, instead of language, to explain attitude and behavior.

Even though there are nine distinct personality types, one dominates each of our lives. It is our unconscious orientation...

Dec 14, 2021

The promise of a road trip is always exciting. You gather your favorite snacks and queue up a playlist, ready for adventure.

But what you’ve envisioned and what actually unfolds can be two entirely different stories. 

And when you’re on the road of life, it’s the same. So many variations are possible. But when you...

Dec 7, 2021

When December arrives, you might feel like it’s time to slip into your holiday role. You cook, host parties, wrap gifts, and plan everything start to finish. The days feel rushed and without holiday spirit. 

It’s easy to get trapped in making sure everyone else has a good time. You always want to give, but are...

Nov 30, 2021

It might be surprising to learn that each of us has four distinct “characters” living in our brain. Each one experiences life through a particular lens and brings a unique perspective to situations we encounter.

In this episode, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (yes the same one who delivered the now famous TED talk, My Stroke...